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Now You Can Overcome One of the Most Common and Most Destructive Forming Machine Problems – The Short Feed
The HELM Short Blank Detector Helps YouIncrease Part Production and Quality
HELM Short Blank Detector for Cold Forming Operations
A short feed is a major cause of die smash-ups because undersized blanks stick in the die. When a second part is transferred to the uncleared die, a double-header or die-overload will result.
The HELM Short Blank Detector is a simple and effective instrument that detects when the proper feed is achieved. Its sensor easily mounts to your machine’s stock gage tip. If the cutoff is short and doesn’t reach the stock gage, the detector will give warning of a short feed. The unit with then relay this information to auxiliary blank drop mechanisms, feed stops or machine shut-down controls.
Most of the Short Blank Detector’s functions are automatic, so there are few adjustments to be made. To provide versatility though, the unit does have some controls, selectors and switches that are easy to use. One such control is the “sensitivity selector.” It’s used to set the signal amplification range (sensitivity) of the unit. Once you’ve adjusted your instrument it probably won’t need to be adjusted again.
The HELM Short Blank Detector consists of three components, a sensor, a proximity indicator and the SBD 1-A unit.
The SBD 1-A is a solid state, highly reliable instrument that indicates a full feed by illuminating an LED each time the snesor detects a full cutoff. If the unsit doesn’t sense a full feed, the unit will give warning, turn on accessory blank drop mechanisms, stop the feed or shut down the machine.
The sensor easily mounts to your machine’s stock gage and registers the impact each time a full length fedd comes in contact with the stock gage up.
The proximity indicator acts like a trigger, it tells the SBD 1-A to look for cutoff forces during a specific portion of the machine’s stroke. The indicator itself consists of two parts; a locator and a target.